Call for presentations and workshops

Conference-LogoThe organisers of the Global Congress on IP and the Public Interest invite the following proposals:

  1. Presentation/paper proposals – for presentations/papers to be presented  in one of the five thematic tracks: (1) user rights; (2) access to medicines; (3) enforcement; (4) openness; and (5) traditional knowledge.
  2. Participant-organised workshop proposals – for participant-organised workshops to be convened on a subject of your choice that is relevant to the participants in the Congress.

Proposed contributions should address one of the five thematic tracks, and should also shed light on the overarching theme of “Global questions, local answers”. What is the public interest in IP? Is it similar or different from place to place? What are the local priorities among the communities you work with? How are public interest IP research and advocacy activities connected? Which strategies are most effective for achieving positive change at the global or local level?

The deadline is 31 August 2013 for registered Congress & Conference participants to submit a proposal (via this form) to deliver a presentation/paper and/or convene a workshop. Proposal approval decisions will be made by a Selection Committee.