The UCT IP Unit, in its capacity as an institutional hub for the Open African Innovation Research (Open AIR) network, is managing Open AIR’s participation in the EU-funded African European Maker Innovation Ecosystem (mAkE) project. Launched in 2022 and running until 2025, the mAkE initiative is facilitating collaboration between, and strengthening of, African and European hardware-focused Digital Innovation Hubs (DIHs) and makerspaces. DIHs and makerspaces are key players in their local innovation environments – through their support of innovators, entrepreneurs, start-ups and SMEs seeking to create solutions to local problems and generate livelihoods through sustainable digital innovations.
The following are the other mAkE project consortium members – all of whom, like the UCT IP Unit and Open AIR, have strong track records in supporting the work of grassroots innovators:
- Africa Makerspace Network (AMN)
- Africa Open Science Hardware (AfricaOSH)
- Association pour la promotion de la science ouverte en Haïti et en Afrique (APSOHA)
- Centre for Social Innovation (ZSI)
- Global Innovation Gathering (GIG)
- GreenTec Capital Africa Foundation (GCAF)
- Internet of Production Alliance (IoP Alliance)
- Institute of Advanced Architecture of Catalonia (IAAC)
- Fab Lab Barcelona
The mAkE work programmes include:
- development of a business models toolkit for DIHs/makerspaces
- venture-building support to DIH/makerspace-linked start-ups, and pairing of high-potential ventures with mentors
- a makers-in-residence programme for product collaborations between African and European makers
- case studies of DIH/maker associations’ interactions with policymaking, and “Minister Meet Makers” policy collaboration events
- piloting of a Maker Passport for mutual skills recognition among DIHs/makerspaces
- online mapping of machines available at African and European DIHs/makerspaces
- piloting of an open contracting system for distributed manufacturing by networks of collaborating DIHs/makerspaces
- gathering and creation of online open educational resources (OERs), and development of a massive open online course (MOOC), to support capacity building at DIHs/makerspaces