Author Archives: Chris Armstrong

AJIC Journal Issue 16: African Intersections between IP Rights and Knowledge Access

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Issue 16 of the The African Journal of Information and Communication (AJIC), published in December 2015, is a thematic issue focused on “African Intersections between Intellectual Property Rights and Knowledge Access”. Published by the Wits University LINK Centre in Johannesburg, AJIC is a peer-reviewed, open access journal made available under a Creative Commons licence. UCT IP Unit Director Dr Tobias Schonwetter served as a Guest Editor of this issue, along with Dr Chris Armstrong of the Wits LINK Centre. The articles range across a wide variety of IP and access to knowledge (A2K) matters on the African continent, including government open data portals, plant variety protection, access to medicines, copyright user rights for filmmakers, copyright and graffiti, the human rights dimension of IP, small-enterprise approaches to knowledge governance, and prospects for open licensing of scholarly and educational materials. Countries covered are Egypt, Ghana, Uganda, Ethiopia, Kenya and South Africa. Download AJIC Issue 16 PDF or AJIC Issue 16 Print-on-Demand PDF.

AJIC Journal Call for Articles: “African Intersections between IP Rights and Knowledge Access”

LINK logo-3The African Journal of Information and Communication (AJIC), an accredited, peer-reviewed journal published by the LINK Centre at Wits University in Johannesburg, is calling for submissions to its 2015 Thematic Issue to be entitled “African Intersections between IP Rights and Knowledge Access”. Submissions, to Guest Editor Chris Armstrong, are due on or before 30 April 2015. Go to the Call for Submissions.