Tag Archives: Gender

Emphasising the IP Gender Gap

by Charlene Musiza and Desmond Oriakhogba

charleneItIMG_20160503_134857-1-1-1 is no news that 26 April every year is established as World intellectual property (IP) day. According to the global IP law and policy making body – the World Intellectual Property Organization (WIPO), the day is set aside to celebrate and learn how IP rights (including copyright, patents, industrial design and trademarks) contribute to creativity and innovation.

Perhaps, what is news, and a cheering one at that, is that this year’s World IP day, according to WIPO, will be celebrating the ‘brilliance, ingenuity, curiosity and courage of the women who are driving change in our world and shaping our common future’. In this regard, the day will afford the global IP community an opportunity to “highlight how the IP system can support innovative and creative women (and indeed everyone) in their quest to bring their amazing ideas to market” and “reflect on ways to ensure that increasing numbers of women and girls across the globe engage in innovation and creativity, and why this is so important”. This is cheering for several reasons. Continue reading